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Blaze Consulting provides jury consulting services specializing in pre-trial research, strategy sessions, and trial preparation. Services are adapted to specific points in the life-cycle of a case to meet the needs of the team as they prepare for depositions, mediation, and trial. Our nationwide experience provides unique insights into effective communication strategies for a variety of audiences. We add value by providing our clients with sound research, effective strategic insights, and a process that recognizes communication as a learned behavior.


 Tailored research projects can test themes with participants that emulate the venue to provide valuable insights into how issues are perceived locally.


Effective strategy is a product  of informed planning that anticipates maneuvers. Careful consideration of how to best communicate  issues are foundational to effective strategy. 


Communication is learned behavior that can be improved through focused repetition. Effective preparation involves more than just knowing your talking points: prepare, anticipate, practice, execute.

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